Internet:- We have upgraded our internet conection to a 100mb up and down
Server Name:- Server name has been updated to == Starworlds Unleashed 24/7 ==
Website:- Our new website is almost compleate and is running a phbb3 forum
New IP:-
New Port:- 2310
Flshell:- We have installed FLshell for the use of the admins and server police
Player Cleaner:- We run a player cleaner to make sure when the Discovery mod is updated there is no loss of vital data or player files
Ioncross:- We run ioncross which put together with FLshell if there is a crash, even a full computer crash the server will reboot and be up and running in 3 min
Starworlds Trader:- We have almost finished the Starworlds Trader program which will bring more profit to the exploration and mining of the game [You collect a amount of resources and the server will give you a gun or a shiled for them]
Starworlds Buisness Computer:- We have almost compleated intregating this program to Starworlds which will automaticly give your Buisness [clan] the rep that the clan leader has set out, allowing instant role play
If you join the Starworlds Server and would not like to start again please contact a admin we will reinburse you up to the point your char is on the offical Discover server
Thanks for the surport that the community has showed on this server