As Sasha sighed, the comm beeped. Listening to inane babble, Sasha directed a Marine team over to Porto Nova. She then looked at Liam.
"You are on the right track. No, you do not need to see to believe! Can you see an idea? Can you see the words spoken by a leader? No! You believe because your heart leads you. Your eyes can lie, but your heart will never betray you. You cannot be a part of a revolution and live to tell your grandchildren. So tell me, do you have the heart of a revolutionary? Do you have the heart to face hell and fight back with every fiber of your being?"
Meanwhile, the Marines boarded Porto Novo and dispersed until they found the so-called "Vladimir Volkov." As two Marines threw him to the ground, another held his VLR Compact to the man's chest. A few minutes later, more marines arrived, handing papers and documents to the Marine Leader.
"So, part of the Buro eh Herr Hopper? You know what we do with spies?"
Nodding, the Marine unloaded his VLR compact into Volkov's chest, then shot him twice in the head. Then a marine came up, two more dragging a battered man behind them.
"Sir, wrong guy. Here's the Buro Agent."
"Oh well, one less idiot around here is just fine. Seems he didn't remember you have to come to the Trotsky in person."
The Leader drew his sidearm, shot the BDM agent's brains out, then cleaned his boot on Volkov's sleeve before ordering his men back to 52.