<strike>just as the airlock launched and the turret went off a Door opened behind"The Cleaner" a Man nearly identical to the last but slightly more well built walked in launched himself at the cleaner and pinned him to the ground holding a long RM Blade to his neck and said "a pitty my brother had to die that way but i had a feeling that something like that would happen from the Likes of the Coalition so i decided to pull a little stunt of my own sent my froms in and everything but sent my twin brother in my place amazing how brutal the SCRA Recrutiment offices can be" he sigh thinking wether to end this mans life or let him go. Deciding that Killing him would damage his chances of join the SCRA he instead tied his arms and legs up and threw him in the Airlock and did not launch him just let him sit there and then asked "So am i allowed to join the SCRA now sir?"</strike>
No. The SCRA have denied you as an applicant stop applying now.