A wave of relief flowed through his body as he let out a loud breath, he wasn't in the green yet, but at least he wasn't dead. "What do I know? Uh," his eyes shifted up in thought as he combed his memories, "Y'know, to be totally honest, not a whole lot. All I remember 'bout the Coalition was the pilots who'd run through Liberty talkin' about how the Big Three have been screwin' us all these years. Didn't believe them much back in my Ageria days, but," he laughed a little, keeping eye contact with Sasha, "Here I am I guess. I found out 'bout this ship here through a few good days of diggin' around. But yeah, 's I said, I don't know a whole lot about the Coalition, aside from the... Communist-like background," he said, a little unsure of that little 'fact', "... and that you guys seem to look after your own and want things to be a little fairer for everyone. 'least, that's what I got from the speakers we'd run into," he added, happy with at least giving an honest answer than trying to sound more informed than he was...