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Joined: May 2011
Staff roles: Coding Developer King of FLServer
Name: [color=#FF0000]Connor Logan Ship: Greyhound
Alrite, aye'll try ta sum up everythin' interestin' tha'aye ha'pleasure ta see o'hear,
sa let's get started aye?
Most'o this stoof happened a while'go so aye'll skip da details dat aye no longer remembah'
So, aye had a few fights, made'a'few pics, sadly aye don' always remember ta record may poofs, but
still hope'ye like'what'aye 'ave, olso made a fe' miner sacks emptier fer minin' oor gol'.
And tha' was tha' borin' part, 'round week ago aye had met a rheinlandish lad tha' was so nice as to
hand'oover ta us almost 300 'sairs, aye ha' no ayedea ho' he'got'em, but aye coul'care less, so aye
gave'im permission ta dropp'em off.
Dere was a brawl at a KC lately too, reavers were attackin' a bowex transport, aye jumped in ta assist,
and while dat transport went dawn, BAF shoo'n oop and started a real pa'tee, reavers lost three'or four
sheps, and aye decided ta ran while aye still could.
A'few days back me an' an'fellas had been'untin tha barge, [Nostromo], which someho' managed ta
escape, no idea ho'.
And no' da most intarestin' part: Da leeds 'ole in cambs is swarmin' with da 'sairs transports lately,
unescorted aye may add! Dey were headed ta O-5, but aye managed ta bloo'em up, and sell da cargo
fer a nice cash, oh, what dey be haulin' was cryocubes, or somethin'. Keepin' an eye oot on tha' hole
mite not be a bad idea.