Interspace ID allows docking on GC and RH stations, and yet is marked those factions are marked as hostile.
Unioners by lore are allowed to dock on Bonn Station, so I think they should be marked as -0.55.
The, Hogosha should be marked same as FA, -0.55.
Also, what's with the: ALG, Daumann, Kruger and Republican, all being -0.55? Is this planned for next update or is this already in effect? Plus, hostile rep to RFP and RM should do the trick in making those factions hostile as well, unless one has full green light. Some people might have worked hard to get nice reputations, and you would actually ruin it in an instant.
In addition to these related to IC:
GC ID shouldn't be -0.7, to be disallowed to dock. (make more friendly)
Xenos shouln't be -0.3 to be allowed to dock. (make more unfriendly )
Bundschuh ID shouldn't be -0.55 to disallow docking. (make more friendly )
Red Hessians ID shouldn't be -0.7 to be disallowed to dock (make more friendly)
Unioners ID shouldn't be -0.7 to be disallowed to dock (make more friendly)
Aet: Trying to make sense of all of this, you're a little vague.
Interspace ID to GC and Hessian and vice-versa: -0.3 set now.
Xenos vs Interspace: -0.55 now
Bundshuh vs Interspace: -0.3 now
Unioners vs Interspace: -0.3 now
However, with those rephacks, I can very much understand why the RM is pushing to get that interspace station to RFP or Republican IFF. As for the Rheinie trader factions: I wager the Kanzler has banned Interspace from all Rheinland owned stations given the current RP line regarding Bonn. It's a reflection of economic sanctions against the faction. No docking, no shooting. I don't care if people have worked centuries for their reps - if the current situation warrants it to be changed, it will be. Don't like it? Pressure the RM into resolving the Bonn crisis.