' Wrote:Kusari, Bret, Lib and Rhein civvy tech: 90%
NO naval tech whatsoever, you're completely restricted to civilian guns and BHG toys (75%).
Access to civilian tech at 100, no access to BW tech.
This is reasonable for me. I'll go ask the others in OS&C how the feel about this change. I'm sure they'll be fine with it as well.
' Wrote:If you intend to profile yourself as a "I'm a neutral company that doesn't favor any specific house"
However its not so much we want to portray ourselves as 'neutral'. We have our goals and objectives, however we're also much more deeply tied politically and economically to houses than I would imagine many other corporations. As OS&C is the only large scale people mover. Not really the Zoner mentality so much as the "Business is Business" mentality that if putting Rheinlanders in Rheinland ships, Libertonians in Liberty ships, Bretonians in Bretonian ships, and Kusarians in Kusari ships makes them more productive/happy, or that the respective House government is more happy that their ships are being used, then OS&C would do that.
Personally I doubt I'd ever outfit RheinTouren's logistics fleet with anything larger than a Behemoth, however I'd like the option to be available if someone in OS&C decided they wanted to fly a OS&C Colossus from Mackinac to Baden Baden.