It is an unfortunate event which has taken place. Attacks on Zoner installations are either repelled or dealt with via diplomacy. Piracy and violations of our neutrality are dealt with via removal of access to Zoner installations. Disputes between Zoner groups are normally left for them to deal with themselves. This instance, however, is essentially embezzlement and theft to to the tune of just under a billion credits. It is not due to accident on the part of the OSI but a fault in the programming of the banking security system, a fault which was exploited for spite and for personal gain by a single individual.
To the outside world Zoners are thought of with disdain as rich traders hiding behind neutrality, when in fact our neutrality is hard fought so that we can trade and survive. That one of our own would so cheat the community at large and place us all in danger from the repercussions of their actions, shows that the perpetrator of such action is not deserving of the task or title of station administrator.
As chair of the Confederation of Freeports I am personally disturbed by the actions of Mr. Orphelia. The entirety of our membership discussed at length the ramifications of not only his actions, but those of our own in supporting his removal. The impeachment of a station administrator is a rare event and one not to be taken lightly. Mr. Orphelia's lack of remorse, refusal to make amends, and his apparent pride in his misdeed, make the decision of the Confederation one of necessity and for the greater justice.
The Confederation of Freeports therefore supports the removal of Mr. Orphelia from his position as station administrator and will, as requested, administrate the station known as Freeport 11 until such time as a new administrator is installed.