Lieutenant Commander Alan Polstari, you are being promoted to the rank of Captain, taking the place of the recently promoted Vice Admiral, Rachel Baker, as Quartermaster. She will continue to oversee your duties and deal with recruitment, so you can concentrate on the tasks of keeping the Navy well supplied and those supplies organised. Good luck in this role, we've seen enough from you to warrant this placement and hope that you can keep up the good work.
Lieutenant Jane Hartman, your dedication to your post and your willingness to regularly take on far more responsibility than your rank would indicate has earned you a promotion to Lieutenant Commander. If you continue your efforts in this manner, you may find yourself the first choice of a Captain for a spare Commander slot.
Junior Lieutenant Alexis Hunter is promoted to Lieutenant. This promotion was sadly overlooked in the past and firmly overdue. Hopefully the rectification of this problem hasn't come too late and you can enjoy your new position as a full Lieutenant.
Ensign Nicole Hayes is promoted to Lieutenant. We've been pleased about your performance so far and feel that you deserve to progress beyond the first true rank of the Liberty Navy.
Ensign James Lambert is being promoted to Junior Lieutenant. Your steady attention to duties has earned you due advancement within the Liberty Navy, and we hope to see more of the same, and perhaps something special, in the future as well. Keep it up, Junior Lieutenant.
Ensign Rohj Teerin, your consistency over time has warranted a promotion from your current rank to that of Junior Lieutenant. The more colours you show, the higher you will fly, and this is your first step.
Commodore Christina Robinson is removed from her current rank and placed at the new rank of Lieutenant. This is due to her own decision, and as such will be keeping her pension and other fringe benefits gleaned from her time in High Command.