Nikita grunted harshly as the table hit him and sent him to the floor, he didn't have a real chance to react due to the shock-awe maneuver she had pulled just now. He didn't even try to move when she pulled a Tanto on him and aimed it at his throat. He was hardly surprised at the blade-happy woman's behavior, when she finished her miniature rant he raised an eyebrow, she wanted to know if he would die for the cause.
He gave a very small chuckle. "And how do you expect me to do that while you are threatening to take that very life away?" he asked, throwing her words right back at her. "If I am to die here and now it's not dying for the Revolution, proving oneself requires a true test, showing his or her comrades in the field that they are willing to sacrifice it all, that is not what your doing here, what this is...Is useless violence that only serves those who would seek to topple the Coalition by depriving it of manpower without even lifting a finger...You say you want proof of my willingness to fight for the cause...I say let me prove it to you and the rest of Sirius that the Coalition's will is strong and stands firm in the face of the enemy...The only question here is thus...Will you let me prove myself...Or not?" he asked calmly, his mind was another story entirely, a constant mantra of 'I'm Going to Die!' repeated itself over and over within his skull as he stared down the Officer calmly...Waiting for the blade or the woman to make their move...