The feedback we're lookng for, and we should of specified, was not so much wanting to know which method people liked better but possible ways we could tweak our new system in order to accomplish our goals of streamlining and accessibility.
I admit, yes it was fairly rushed. The way Alvin spoke made me think he was staying an extra month or two. He had added my to the FL Leader Chat, but said he'd stay on as Premier. And then suddenly not even a day or so later "Joey, I'm leaving now". Caught all of us off guard really. I was never really good with stories to begin with, and considering I'm on a trip to Colombia and I'm busy everyday it didn't really leave time to come up with something of better quality. I'll be honest, you probably shouldn't expect the same quality of stories that Alvin gave. He is a professional author, and I'm just fresh out of High School.:PStill, I'll work harder in the future to create stories of better quality, if not Alvin quality.
As for forum vs game time, believe me I have no intention of spending most of the time on these forums.