Name: Dortmund (Trader) Azrael Alchemist (Fighter)
Age: 20
Short bio:
Born on the station Lünen. Lünen was an old station and was destroyed by the Red Hessian. At the time I was 18 years old.
Since 2 years I am a dealer. I started with a Starflier. Now I am the proud owner of a heavy tanker. I bought it from your planet Holstein.
Reason of application: I feel that Daumann can blogged the most security of work, as it is the largest company in all of our glorious West.
I have also looked into some views of your company and I must say I found them intriguing.
Why do you think Daumann should hire you? I would like to prove myself as a valuable asset and in a team.
In addition, I can offer you a network called TeamSpeak 3.
I have a S.K.Y.P.E. encrypted account and would like to join your network. "dennismrichter" my SKYPE is addname. (Without ")