Dominic stopped to read the sign outside of the recruitment centre:
For Bretonia! For Honour! For the Crown!
Your Country needs you!!
The Kusari are reeling!
The Corsairs are falling back!
The time for valour is now!"
He heard this slogan countless times already, but today is the day he will oblige to it. For today he was finally of legal age to join the military. His fervent feeling towards protecting his beloved Kingdom and her Queen never receded over the years. He still remembers that day, of which his admiration for the kingdom had started..
Shaking these memories off of his mind, he took a deep breathe, and walked towards the centre. The doors gave no sound when they swayed open for his arrival. The subtle, swift movement of the doors was soon to be followed by a welcoming word of the intercom. Everything seemed nice in order, clean and friendly.
As he walked towards the nearest desk, Dominic took a quick look to the recruitment officer.
She was young, seemed full of energy, and smiled as she spotted him.
"My name Is Dominic Cole, and I would like to enlist for the Bretonian Armed Forces, errr....Ma'am! I'm 18 years old, and ready to serve our kingdom!"