' Wrote:Okay, no offense in this statement, but I do hope that the current admin elections will allow the admin team to be available 24/7 just because of such situations. This is getting ridiculous.
1. Wrong forum section.
2. Just report them.
3. These threads do not and have never worked.
The majority of the admin team would try and show up if possible. They are highly unlikely to see this thread in time to have done anything.
24/7 in game monitoring of the players will always be impractical. More in game adminning? Sure. That's possible. Having someone there all the time to cater for every last little whinge or complaint from any player? Hell no.
Let me tell you what being an admin in game is like...
Your entire screen fills with green text from a billion people PMing you with questions. I'd say about 70% of the questions you get asked, involve the words "How do I get terrorist ID?"... The rest are from people complaining about some minor breach of the rules which you didn't see, have no evidence for, and therefore can't act upon. This truth unfortunately tends to cause the nub who feels wronged in a situation to get angry with you for not leaping to their defense like some sort of knight in shining armour, without realising that you can no more act on their say-so than that of the alleged rule breaker.
When the spam of green text finally slows to a managable level (this normally takes an hour of pure stress), you stand the chance of actually wandering around and seeing what the players are up to. At this point it becomes a little more enjoyable. You can advise people, you can inform people of the rules, and you can deal with problems as they arise... But getting to that position, takes about an hour of feilding retarded questions, and .beaming yourself around sirius, to alleged rule breaches which didn't actually happen, and listening to crying morons who're upset that the pirate trolled them by... yanno, pirating.
' Wrote:words
If you say so. You're wrong, but whatever.
' Wrote:Things
You may be a little older, but are hardly an example of the "older = wiser" idea. Age counts for comparatively little, perception counts for more. Lets look at all the attributes you've failed to gain with age:
- Tact.
- Decency.
- A cool temper.
- Dignity.
So I'd suggest age has very little to do with who would make a good admin, or people's ability to vote sensibly.