It makes no sense that asteroid bases wouldn't have shipdealer. Why wouldn't they have big hangars for all their ships? They could sell you one from there. Who is to say they wouldn't have extras on hand. Besides that, why wouldn't there be a ship construction area in the base?
anyway I have suggestion
There are two civilian particle cannon high level which people use, and there are two civilian tachyon cannon which are low-level which I imagine never get used by anyone except new players. Why not complete the civilian line? At the least add high-level tachyon cannon. Seems odd that the civilian line in addition to flashpoints skips from one format to another as its classes increase.
You could have a yellow level 8 "spitfire tachyon chain gun" and a white or brown or something level 9.
I think all people type cargo (passenger and its variants and such) should have volume and base price doubled to be a little more realistic.
so I recently started exploring Coronado. I must say you're all doing a wonderful job.
so I recently started exploring Koeln. I must say you're all doing an amazing job.
some time ago I explored Rousillon. Impressive. Particularly the music on the planet that was a nice surprise.
so I recently started exploring Omega-55. LOL... NOMADS. LOTS AND LOTS OF NOMADS. SHOOTING THINGS. I GOT THE HELL OUT OF THERE. (and I was thinking, jeez I can't remember what that one was from the news. I hope I don't run into a nomad system)
recently started exploring Omega-41. what did you guys do to the star? that new effect there, that's impressive.