' Wrote:the problem here is the LF is HF sized. Make it a proper HF and the problem would go away, with a better replacement for LF modled later. (still can use tiger shark)
I just love the way you're thinking !:)
Also, the Bergelmir is fine as it is, however the Phantom as stated above is way to big and heavy to be a LF. RFP was shouting about that for months, but everyone told us to be quiet and be happy. On the other hand, the Wraith might be a bit light to be a VHF, but the fact that it only has 5 guns is suppose to compensate the slightly better agility.
But back to the Bergelmir. Imo, the reason it's like this is cause the Fafnir is the biggest bomber available in game, even compared to other heavy bombers, not to mention it's sized like a smaller gunship. Therefore it would be useless to turn it into a smaller normal bomber. So the two bombers compensate each other fine. However if the Berg does get a bit bigger, that wouldn't cause too big problems I think.
As for the Phantom, turning it into a HF would not need much work, just stick a gun and maybe a turret on it, extend it's armor and core a bit and there we go. Agility and size is already good for a HF. As for a replacement of that, a new model would be wise, as the Tiger Shark is marked as a civilian LF and is already getting a nerfed powercore for both RFP and RM ...