' Wrote:From our interactions, this actually makes sense. If you guys hadn't been so darned bull-headed in simply flat out saying that you're allied with the Order - and not actually using typical Zoner diplomacy in then saying, okay, we're really not allied with them (but we're lying, you know it, we know it, and now we can all live in relative peace) - then we wouldn't have strained relations between you and the BHG|Core.
That was part of what I think was being lost in translation.
As it is, realistically right now we can't pop Murillo base simply because we don't have the player base in game at this time. We can drive you nuts, we can (and will) destroy your supply ships, because as far as we're concerned you're our enemies now.
But watch the meta-gaming and/or power-gaming. Dabadoru has been around for a long time, and is established. The Order couldn't crack it. Please don't pull the old - we've sent two ships over there to blow it up and now we're saying it's dead thing.
I could see you being an off-shoot of the Zoners - maybe an Order / Zoner cross. You should be hostile to Liberty, since you're allied with the Order. That's something on your rep sheet that needs adjusted. Also, if you're hostile to the main BHG|Core ID, you need to be hostile to all groups that use the BHG|Core ID. The 77th needs to decide whether they're Order or BHG - if they're going to use our ships, they're subject to our in game and in forum orders. They can't be both - that just doesn't work.
Essentially I am trying to RP realistically as I feel my chars would, it was quite clear if we lied to you
it would make peace... but currently I am running O'hanna as a more gungho than diplomat, OZ are not
clever when it comes to diplomacy (but they are learning) we mostly say what we think instead of what we
As to the BHG situation, that base was built to be shot (most of our bases are built to be shot)
and I am desperately looking forward to the new Zeta hopefully the new distance between Core
and Order (very closer) will draw more indies and thus primaries to the warzone that is Zeta.
Maybe this will force us to change our diplomacy, currently I do see more "what is on the server"
as opposed to "what is in the lore", I am sorry it is one of my faults. Perhaps we do need to sit down
and talk about our actions with those that it effects a little more closely... My only excuse I can give
is every-time I have tried I have received "your an indie, go away."
Our current relations with liberty is "we don't really go to liberty".
I have been caught in Alaska a few times but every-time my trader has
given bats to the badly damaged nomad farming lib dreads in exchange for
their silence...
Our rep sheet is an attempt to show our thoughts of others, not theirs on us
I imagine we are being added to KOS list as we speak by LN.:)(im fine with that)
The 77th... well... they are the 77th, they seem to just do as they please.
As a final note most of our ships are repped as hostile to BHG NPC's but a problem I
am having to face is with BHG and BHG Core indies.
The problem being that they role-play with us as Zoners and thus "friendly/neutral"
as much as I am against power-gaming I am not to ooRP tell them to shoot me as
we are at war... Thus we role-play great-fully surprised at their naivety and carry
on as quickly as we can.
' Wrote:A: Merely being an official Zoner faction doesn't force you to represent all Zoners. I'd go as far as to say that no single faction can represent all Zoners.
B: Won't. You'd merely have some input as OSI and TAZ do on Zoner development.
C: I can understand this one, but I don't know if the admins will buy it as it is a work around on the 1 ID rule.
I'm the one who told you to go for it and I stand by what I said. I'm just commenting on the reasoning you gave. :P
Good luck!
No where in the rules does it say you can't or that it is impossible.
' Wrote:I disagree, an official faction should represent that faction, its all one faction, even zoners, when you shoot one NPC, they ALL turn red to you, the official faction should reflect this. Thats why OSI and TAZ getting their own ID was good, now they can have seperate diplomacy without splitting up the Zoner faction.
I know, thats why I asked, rather than saying; "You cant" Its just, as many threads have said; unlikely for an unestablished faction, to be considered deserving of their own ID.
Whilst I understand your view I am more leaning towards Hone on this one.
The way we are RPing OZ is so naive when it comes to Diplomacy due to being
so new on the block, not to mention they are now being lead by their cheif of security.
Not to mention their Order relations...
I feel we are already stepping a little too far from the "Zoner Path" and this is something
I really wouldn't feel as comfortable doing knowing I represented the "Zoners as a whole".
(Or at-least whilst some people may perceive we are representing as a whole, as at
the moment OZ falls somewhere as Agmen said between Order and Zoners, we are
a refugee trading group with a small militia of security forces who have gotten
messed up in a big old war.)
As I have said many times, we are in no rush we are just making our intentions clear that
we don't want to go official on a Zoner ID if that means we have to wait a little longer its
not too much of a problem.
' Wrote:In role play OSI has a Renzu as one of our corporate vessels along with a yacht. I have my prison liner (which funnily enough is sold on Gran Canaria, go figure!) too.
I noticed that the other-day, someone should expect an order to be placed by OZ.:)
Again thanks for all the good wishes/good questions (both are appreciated)
feel free to ask more.
Ninja edit
' Wrote:The fact that Orbital is built around hauling a small number of goods in which the profit margin is not all that great compared to ore and regular cargo is the problem.
Whilst I didn't really wanna get drawn into the Liner argument, this is essentially
exactly as I see it and my experience as I was checking liner routes/prices.
Currently people commodities in disco lack behind due to anyone being able to
carry them despite what their ship is (whale carries more people than liners) and
the fact they sell for much worse than most other commodities. If you
want to make a profit with a Liner you need to be inventive.
(Move passangers to Bretonia as an Outcast, take 5x as much cardamine as passengers
and when someone stops you tell them the law says you can have 5 units per person
as personal consumption.)