After a fight between Rogue, LN and Outcasts pilots in Callifornia system, Apollo’s ship was heavely damaged. Apollo’s ship was burning, smoke was everywhere when…… ship exploded.
Liberty Navy was in winning lead, so Rogues and Outcasts agreed to fall back.
One Liberty Rogue pilot used his gripper to drag Apollo’s life pod to safety (in his cargo hold).
The nearest base where Rogues and Outcasts could hide was Alcatraz. When they were about 10k away from Alcatraz they were discrupted by Liberty Navy pilots.
Rogues called backup from Alcatraz.
From Alcatraz 6 ships had come and supported others to disable all of Navy dogs. Together they succeeded to kill and in-prison Navy pilots.
As they docked on Alcatraz they took Apollo and went to the ambulance inside of base.
Apollo had some bad injuries and serious burns. The doctor said that he need some rest and fresh air.
After two weeks in hospital, Apollo was better and could leave the hospital.
What to do now, Apollo asked himself… he had no ship, just 40.000 credits on his card and nothing else.
After some thinking he decide to go and visit a pub.
*A tall man with long hair walks into a pub*
Apollo sat at the nearest free table near the door.
The bartender approached Apollo with words “Greetings sir, welcome to our pub hat can I get you?”
Apollo raised his head, took a good look at the bartender and ordered a Liberty Ale.
“Coming as fast as possible, sir.” When the ale was on the table Apollo gave bartender 1000 credits as a tape, the bartender thanked Apollo and left.
“Ah… I have no ships, got money, but I can’t buy a ship….. my life is going downhill that’s for sure.
*A strange voice appears in Apollo’s head*
“ ***ours*** can aid **yours** (orange) one** “
“What… is..t..
“ ***(Gallic) ones will reach/occur **yours** allies””
“Wait…who’s that?! Show yourself””
“ ***yours** comprehension/intelligence **ours** help can stop/halt intruder**
* A strange voice disappears *
Apollo didn’t know what to do after that conversation with unknown person or something like it.
He ordered another glass of ale and continue doing nothing with hope that something good will happen.