We are happy to announce, after 3 months of server testing for stability (about 99% uptime) and ping tests ect we have now added the origin to the disco server to be USA, We now have a Base builder restart included so you can get your first base located from New York and take it anywhere on the server, players have taken to the tagging RP system very well to allow players to play the server with out the need of playing RP and with most things reduced by half we are starting to get some very happy regular players on board
We would like to invite you all to come and join us on server and forums (which are more then Freelancer and do more then just the server board) and experience Discovery in a new and fun way!
We can now support 200 players on our server but have limited it to 100 to not seem like we are pushing for the big server!
Admin dont generally mess with the players we keep in the shadows and keep out of sight so you dont feel like your being watched
We do not kick multi chars nor do we have a problem with it, We also have no problems with players leaving chars online to clock up time or what not, all we ask is you put your self in a base.
We allow graphic mods that do not crash the server (please check disco forums for approved mods)
All languages and country's are welcome, main server language is English but we do not complain about other country's speaking to each other in native tounge, our rules are simple and quick to read so please check them out!
We hope on the majority of the American players out there would at some point like to call us a home
We are looking for server and forum moderators so please apply @ www.starworlds.co.uk