Sica took another sip of his drink. Although not a particulary fine whiskey, still was strong enough to do the trick. Sic would have rather celebrated with something better, but then when a bar steals have the drinks it serves, what’s in stock varies and the selection is irregular. Nevermind.
As he looks up he spots another man enter the bar. This pirate had clearly just been released from the MediBay. Parts of his face appeared badly burn’t and a bandaged hand. With likely more across his body. This was no surprise in itself many of these Rogues had sustained injuries at some point, whether they be from duals in space or brawls in places like this. Sica could see the rather beaten looking pirate take a seat near the bar and order some form of ale. Sica would have thought nothing of him had it not been for what he did next.
A look of shock spontaneously worked its way onto the mans face. His voice trembled and he spoke, seemingly to no-one. Then more confidently he demanded “..who’s that?! Show yourself” .
Sica had no doubt that that half the patrons here at times heard voices in their heads when they consumed as much alcohol as appears to be accustomed at this base. But this man appeared not only sober but showed no obvious sighs of braincells having decayed with prolonged intoxication or indeed any mental illness. Maybe it was just his medication, painkillers or something.
Well Sicarius didn’t care much for crazies, especially with more important things on his mind. He looks out of the viewport.
“Come on now, show these runts exactly what happens if they go about causing trouble”
The fruits of his last endeavour should be passing by any second now…and in spectacular fashion!