(10-29-2012, 12:14 AM)AeternusDoleo Wrote: This kind of stuff will just promote "10milordai" kind of piracy. Aside from the fact that the bulk of what you are requesting requires programming a new hook, which is for the near future, not possible. The chance of any of this getting implemented is next to nil.
Projectile speed increase is something you'd have to ask Blodo about as balance lead.
Well, if we exclude armor/thruster, and it should be excluded (unless Cheetah gets it's price dropped 10x), unarmed 5k'ers with a freighter shield have absolutely nothing to lose except for their cargo. 1-2 mils worth of repairs, maybe. Battletransports will be more expensive to repair, though.
I do understand that 25% speed increase across the board will affect bombers in a negative way, because bombers with their highly powerfull guns and a light mortar equivalent on a fighter-sized ship don't follow the general pattern of ship's sizehip's firepower.
Same can be said about gunboats, who are pretty strong at this moment.
These are thoughts about general direction of rebalancing things.
But since you mentioned that time consumption, required to create a new hook, is unbearable atm... oh well. We can still brainstorm some of these points, till the better times.