Alvarez Santiago - [TBH] - Would go back to drinking in the bars on Crete like he was before he came out of retirement.
John "Rorry" Santiago - |RR - That story is well on it's way
Veygaar - Kishiro - An accountant on Planet New Tokyo.
Logan - Reavers - Gun for hire on New York until he is killed in action.
Cain - IC|E - This guy will run convoy escorts till he's to blind to see and goes head first into a corona.
Levesque - Brigands - A local drug dealer on New Paris.
Jim Bo Jenkees - Crazy Pirate/Terrorist - Have an epiphany and turn from his evil ways to become a volunteer at an Old People's Home, spoon feeding grandpas and grandmas their blended veggies.
Jake Dreams - CR| - A teacher to the next generation.