Blodo is pretty spot on... however, zoom/TS has ruined some ships too, as suggested by veygar. I for one, would like TS and zoom to be removed from gunboats. It was far more fun when GB was 100% skill and aim based. Alas, this wont be done.
As for cap skill - it is a MAJOR difference between pro cap pilots and pro fighter pilots. And i am not talking "difference" as in caps having 50 times the firepower and armor of a fighter, but the difference in sheer skill.
So of you may have seen a bret BS lulz around in conn, taking on legates, turtles, ossies, valors, LN Dreads, Ranseurs, Togos and other big caps known for their battleprowess, yet that darn bret BS dont loose. They fight a head on slug-fight, in which the much heavier and much much more destructive 9m core'd vessels shoulda owned the bret BS, but yet they DONT.
As for jormundgand demanding skill, i strongly disagree. It is far too forgiving as it is to demand SERIOUS skill. You need some basic skills to efficiently aim that FW gun on the move, but the arcs, agility, shape and size makes it more of a tactic-dependent vessel, then a skill dependent one.
LN Dread however is more skill oriented, because even with proper tactics, the firepower and arcs arent great enough to take out a RM BS before it can cruise up to you.
Oh and to all of you LN players out there, tired of cloaking turtles - get LABC. Firepower of a light BS, speed and agility enough to run away. and it has a CD