(11-04-2012, 12:26 PM)Govedo13 Wrote: The current balance is good for the core discovery base, I can deal with it but it kills the casual/new player type, that kind of players that I as bad PvPer can beat 3-4 vs me.
Newbies make a lot of newbie mistakes, things like standing still while they are firing, while the vet they are shooting is dodging while firing, so the newbie dies fast and the vet is unharmed. I see this a lot even with moderate players, I still do it myself sometimes. Dodging while firing is probably half of "skill". Also newbies do everything slowly, they dont have muscle memory for things like weapon groups and so firing an alternate weapon takes them longer. This stuff cant be fixed in the game unless you add time delay to everything so that everybody does everything slower, firing has a delay, using regens has a delay, etc., so everybody moves like newbie. Possible to do but not in this mod.
The other big "skill" factor is aiming. I miss so many shots with fighter guns that it takes me 20 minutes to kill a bomber with a fighter. You can fix this with more generous auto-aim targeting cone, so that shooting the model (and not just the crosshair) sends all of the fire to the center of the target where is most likely to hit. I dont think this can be done in the mod either.
Anyway, my point is that most of what constitutes skill cant be fixed with the mod. Increased weapon speed to improve hit rate is pretty much the only way to do it, and the devs have said over and over that they arent going to do that.