I do love the use of literal translations to get the best out of a situation. I understand
he did rather screw everything up.
Good Lord, these terrible links are popping up all over the place ... Rheinland again
and Don Juan de Marco. In love with love itself. Bloody good film though. Must dig it
out of the archives. Mind you which ever language is used, an Outcast will always be
red to Rheinland, though I suspect white is a little closer now. Green is not a practical
solution, unless you want to change sides. And you are an Outcast through and though.
Barking mad, the lot of us ...
Browning always said that, and who am I to argue with one who has a paper to prove it.
... How is his medication going these days ? Must get up there soon and see him. Need
the break.
Hoodlum :mellow:
Some say he is a proud member of: "The most paranoid group of people in the Community."