(11-15-2012, 04:58 PM)Wizard. Wrote: make full trans of cardamine worth say 30 mil,selling price say 60mil,profit-30 mil per cargo.
That way there will be no power-smuggling due to a high cost of goods,
risk will be higher,reward will be higher,more smuggling activity,
more lawful activity,more fun for everybody.
A good idea!
(11-15-2012, 05:35 PM)madvillain Wrote: There are quite a few artefact smugglers.
Maybe you could try to give bonuses to cardi smugglers like the sairs do to their business partners.
There's no rule banning artificial profit enhancement.
ah, yes, i know, but inrp the 75th is very small, we run the faction closed economy, new recruits cost 25 million, repairs and ammo costs for all ships come out of money we have earned or pirated, we only have 270 million in total, we dont have the financial power to give out bonus money for cardamine smuggling without crippling the faction our flagship is a Gull transport afterall.
(11-15-2012, 10:03 PM)Anaximander Wrote: perhaps you could sign a long-term contract regarding keeping the cardamine-corridor open (tau's through coronado into Liberty), be it by pews, by collecting intel and so on - however that might foster more activity in those systems, and us that "smuggle for a living" aren't exactly looking for that.
A contract is interesting, but the 75th move around on a two week rotor, though we do still escort smugglers if no other targets present themselves. signing a contract would again force us to stay in one place, and we aren't large enough to split and do two things at once.
(11-15-2012, 10:34 PM)Narcotic Wrote: How about sending a transmission to LR for a proposal?
for reasons you explained, never seen an LR- smuggler, but if there is a chance of a comeback then I see no reason not to try.