(11-17-2012, 02:14 AM)Dashiell Wrote: Bullcrap. Cruising up still happens. Espcially when there's 5765385 turtles around. which are either cloaked or get past the cds due to CM or simply the cds not tracking/working like they ought to.
Riight, that means we have pretty big battle goin' on. That also means that we, likely, have a bunch of LDs fielded as well.
And what happens then, when 1-2 turtles suddenly manage to break formation and cruise up on your LD group? Riiiight, they get focused into oblivion. Which puts Heavy side into even worst position, since 1 of them is currently focused, and others cant do anything.
All instances during last 1.5 years (which is not much compared to some) here when LNS force acted accordingly, cooperated well and was consisted of more or less competent pilots, RNC groups were simply annihilated.
That is, caps vs caps engagements i'm talking about.
Cloaks is the whole different question and, how I pointed out several times, can be efficiently used by both sides. In a low-scale engagements cloaks favor heavies more, in a large scale - vice versa, since dreads get enough firepower through Mortars to take out at least 1-2 heavies before they even get into firing range.