- Incoming Transmission -
Priority: MEDIUM
Encryption: HIGH
From: Iain Jamieson
Subject: Jumpin' Phoenixes
Hello comrades,
A little late aye, but while I've got some downtime I'll let yehs know about me little trip wi' the Phoenix through hyperspace.
I've also managed tae track down a Junker able tae change the transponders on me old Shire, so ye'll be seeing the VWA|Malairtiche out and about.
Startin' off wi' a shipment of Super Alloys the old-fashioned way, I bumped into the Phoenix in Newcastle. Turns out they were jumpin' a Barge ae the stuff usin' one ae their old homeships. Their local transport and I loaded up the Leviathan before I got the needed fuel. As the core charged, I got a nice shot ae Carlisle in the background. After, bloody hell what a ride! Dropped off the last ae the Alloy as the Barge got into position before hitchin' a ride back tae Bretonia - saved some time on me Iridium drop-off.