Do you already own a ship / Are you already captaining one / Can you afford one yourself?
I don't own a ship at this moment. But i have enough money to buy new one
Current residence
Planet New Tokyo
Please list past employment, flight, or ship captaining experiences
I was "Ryuujin" ship's captain assistant. We had about 200 long trade routes and 500 small.
Also I was flying on own trade ship "Camara" with good crew.
A brief background and why you are interested in working for Samura Heavy Industries
I was born on Planet New Tokyo. My father is a teacher in Flight Academy. He and my mother live on one of a lot of small islands on Planet Kyushu. After finishing Flight Academy i was working on shipyards. I was repairing ships after battles or deep space flights. Then at usually routine work day I have met "Ryuujin" captain, who offered me to be his assistant. Of course, I agreed and since then my life had changed. A lot of trips, journeys, new systems - so many impressions. After few years I have bought own ship "Camara".
It will be a big honour for me to join to such a strong and influencial organization like Samura Heavy Industries