Greeting, this is freelaner flimp. i would like to build a base near the silver mines of 07. (actuly 2 a 07buyer station and 07seller station working as one station) these station will probly never need to go above lvl 3. there sole perpose is to give the miners a place to sell when there is no buyer pressent and to give the trains a place to buy from when no miner are there, aslo it will give the miners and the trains protections in the field. i would only take 5 persent of the amount the ore sells at tau 31 leaving the miner to make 15% and the train to make 80% off his load. i will also be willing to give rheinland 10% of my monthly profits (of corse there will b no profit till base is fully done dew to the profit going on upgrading). this base is a win win for everybody, bringing busness to rheinland and boasting its economy. it will be suplyed by freelancer and anyone who wishes to make some money (will buy suplys for 1k over nearst base that sells price). will have sevral cargobays and a few defence platforms. nothin else. this base will be built and suplyed by a joint between freelancers and republican shipping people
name of base: 07buyer station/07seller station
station administrator: late_runner
affliction: freelancer/republican shiping
perpose of station: to boost rheinlands econimy and make a good place for the miners of 07
location: 07 around f2