Short Bio: Grown up at New-Berlin with two Brothers, accomplished the Grundschool & Gymnasium Grade with great success. Working on Studium of Construction & Engeneering at Technische Universität New-Berlin. Got some experience at Interspace Commerce, but that was not the right place to be.
Why do you want to work for Daumann? Because i am very interested in Robuste Konstruktionen and want to work for Rheinland getting bigger and much more prosperous. Although New-Berlin is my hood and i feel kind of zuhause here.
Why do you think Daumann should hire you? I am an experienced Heavy Konstrukteur and Freighter Pilot. Moreover, i am very active and highly interested in some group actions and would be a very helpful fellow recruit.
Last to mention, i could use some starting funds (30-50M) to already get the Rheinland train. At very last, my 5.K.Y.P.3 encrypted code can be found right there: l0rd_v01d3m0rt
Albert Spehr