Comm ID: Inspektor Johannes Weiss
Signal Strength: 97.5432%
Meine Herren,
Today I took the U-007 out for a flight test and encountered the BDM|RNC-Brynhildr outside orbit of Planet Hamburg. Not even 5 seconds later a Freelancer in a Firefly was spotted coming through the lanes to the Planet running the Liberty/Rheinland Embargo. He was hauling a load of Luxury Goods, and refused to halt to our hails, and lead us on a pursuit to the Frankfurt Jumphole and proceeded to run through. He continued to cruise away from myself and the Brynhidr and used evasive manouvers (counter measures) to get away. Luckily the Brynhildr and myself both had Cruise Disruptors, between the two of us, we could stop him. Eventually we stopped him and he opened fire. We returned fire on the Firefly named "Sidewinder" and destroyed it. We returned to Planet Hamburg afterward. This was my patrol today.
~*~End Transmission~*~