From: Mr. James Barnes, Director Trade Combine Division. To: Tobias Winters. Topic: Trainee Trade Captain.
Dear Mr Winters,
Following a satisfactory interview and induction exam, I am pleased to offer you the post of Trainee Captain. The job will be based aboard your current vessel. Although Scarborough Station is our Head Quarters, most Trade is now handled by our new station Kings Cross in the New London system.
Your duties and responsibilities will be to ensure that your ship is commanded well, safely and without any infringements on any of the laws of Bretonia (except of course those Garlic eaters the Gallians, the cross dressing Mollys, the uncivilised Corsairs, the Tree Huggers Gaians and our nemesis the brainless, drunken sirens, the Reavers!).
Your supervisors will be Stew Wolfe and Jan Peters, they will be responsible for your day to day duties. If you have any problems you can also speak to Mr Andrew Peterson, the Trade Combine Manager.
You will be entitled to four weeks' holiday in every year, in addition to the normal statutory entitlement, of which no more than two weeks may be taken consecutively. The holiday year runs from 01. September to 31. August.
Finally, I would just like to say that I hope that you will accept this offer and that you will have a long and happy association with us at Borderworlds Exports. In the meantime, you may wish to review the setup of our Transport Fleet
If you wish to discuss any aspect of this offer, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Yours in service to the Realm,
Mr J. Barnes
Director Trade Combine Division
Borderworlds Exports