The first three words I have to use to start this off, which in my opinion sums up the whole situation with Liberty's Navy.
I'm sure most of you fellow unlawfuls out there know about this as do I: the LNS is becoming a pure annoyance. Both inRP and ooRP.
Bad things they do:
They'll send absolutely tons of navy ships to deal with the smallest problem. e.g: there's one bomber, they'll send a LBAC and a Gunboat and maybe a snub to deal with that one single bomber. It's ridiculous, especially when it's compared to other factions:
Quote:2: Fairplay. Don't send 3 Gunboats after a lone bomber. Don't use 4 Fighters to down a lone Fighter. Keep in mind that the guy who is absorbing your fire wants to have fun as well.
-Quoted from the BHG recruitment post
They don't engage properly quite often too, today I had various accounts of the navy just simply firing a CD my way and not saying anything, they then started firing on me and I had to say: "Hey you need a reason to engage!". Most of the time. They stop and give a reason whereas with other times they'll keep shooting.
They threaten to shoot non-navy ships if they happen to pass by when they're 'Gearing up for an assault on Rheinland".
They also won't listen to people. I won't point out names, but some of there players are just plain rude. Now, I guess they may be RPing when they're 'rude' but who knows? RP is just a mask to hide behind for them.
They blatantly abuse rules. Back when I started as a rogue I got pushed around. A lot. I'd get killed in a system by someone, spawn in the rogue base in that system and They'd be waiting outside. I would simply say "Oh hey, I'm leaving the system now, I'm complying with server rules" And they wouldn't give a damn and start firing on me, blowing me up again and I'd just have to switch to another character to pass the time. And usually, when I mention that they're breaking a rule, they just say: "Don't care" (I'm not even kidding, they do say that).
I've also been threatened by them too. I some guy in the Navy said he'd hunt me down no matter what Character I was playing as just because 'he thought' I had shot his player base!
I might just sound like some mad player who is annoyed he can't play in his play areas, but this is ridiculous. All of us pirates are truly sick of this happening.
And now, lets look at the counter arguments:
-Hey! If you're outnumbered why just not run away instead of fight?
Sure, you try running when you have 4 ships spamming CDs at you
-Then why not use a cloak?
Have you seen how expensive those things are? If they were cheaper then I might not be complaining so much, but as for now, they're way too expensive.
-Why just not try to avoid them all together by changing systems whenever one enters the system?
(Not meaning to offend here)As dumb as they may sound, I've found they can be pretty smart sometimes. They seem to enjoy setting up LAC blockades by the jump holes.
-Pff, just get better at the game; buy some armour upgrades or something.
Yet again, it's not like 850,000,000 can just magically appear in your pocket.
-You can't be too mad at them, they're probably new players who don't know the game rules and how to RP properly
How can you be lenient towards someone doing stuff like that in a LABC who has CAU8? If they've managed to get that much money, they can't be that new!
So yeah, that's my rant. Here's a tl;dr:
-Navy Sends in masses of of ships just to deal with small vessels or lone vessels. Basically don't know the meaning of fair play
-Some of them refuse to follow game rules or RP
-Don't know the meaning of "You need a sufficent reason to engage"
-Has 'new players' (Or idiots if they're not new) running around in LABCs, Seige Cruisers, LAC etc . with high armour upgrades.
The most depressing thing about this, is that there's not really anyway to prevent this stuff You can't change anything without crippling the entire game as a whole.[/align]