Ah yes, I see your transport captain was indeed able to pass on the news of your licences' expiration. The renewal fee of 45 million credits sent to BPA)Anvil will cover both licences for another 6 months.
I am not sure how capable the Guild is in this manner, but perhaps our new Office for registering jumpships (which a few of your business partners have already filled out paperwork for) would be of interest.
Good health and business to you in the meantime.
To whom each expiration concerns,
Several traders and corporations are currently without licensing in the following areas and will need to either renew it or cease trade in that area.
Tau Trading Licences:
{GMU} Gratuitous Miners Union
Military Materials Licences:
AMS - Oz Merchant Shipping
FIST| - Frost's Interstellar Security Team
DSE) - Deep Space Engineering will expire tomorrow