-----ID: Morgan DeLeah-----
-----SUBJECT: Bowex Application-----
Borderworlds Exports application form 8209-2727
- What is your full name?
Morgan DeLeah
- Where do you live?
Aboard my ship, I was born on Erie but after what I have learned recently I can't go back so I live aboard and run my freight.
- Where was your last place of employment? What experience do you have?
I used to run a small planetside freight company running parts to Erie Spaceport mostly. We started with 3 vehicles and slowly grew to 28. Sold the business and bought an old CSV from LPI impound auction. Been learning the trade lanes since.
- To what division are you applying?
Shipping Division
- Do you already own a ship?
CT-49 Gull at the moment saving up for a Firefly, see a few of them as I trade new Cambridge alot.
- If you are applying for the Shipping division, what would you name your ship? Why?
My ship is 'The Commonwealth' due to old family ties to the old Bretonian Empire on Sol. I have my families extensive library on board an have learn of the Canadian's and Australian's who were part of the Commonwealth, which itself came out of the Bretonian Empire on Sol.
- Why are you interested in working for Border World Exports?
Due to the families history on Old Sol and my own new found dislike of Liberty I guess I want to earn the right to call Bretonia home for me and my family should I ever decide to settle down on a planet again. I know I have alot to learn but I also know that a company with BOWEX's great history can teach me what I need to know and maybe give me the opportunity to earn my own great reputation by doing my best to add to that history.
-Tell us about yourselves, what are you dislikes etc (minimum of 100 words)
Well as you know I grew up on Erie from a family of low level Liberty government officials; I recently found out that the government there had been dumping chemicals near our town as they want an excuse to claim it off the Zoners and expand the starport due to the trade that was booming do to our towns hard work. The death of my mother in such pain due to the pollution, I mean Zoners are people too no one desirve to die like that. Then when the medical team just said "Her fault for living with Zoners." That was it I left and vowed never to return to Erie.
My likes are: History, Old Sol Music and Cooking
My dislikes are: Trade and Jump Gate hogs, pirates and Liberty Government officials