Comm ID: Inspektor Johannes Weiss
Signal: 96.21%
Location: Planet Hamburg, Hamburg
Meine Herren,
Several days ago, the Brynhildr, and the MND-Koeln and myself (U-007) entered New York to strike the enemy behind their lines. We sat at the New York to California Jumpgate, and encountered a Libertorian trade vessel hauling Ore to Pittsburgh we believe. He refused to turn around or drop his cargo, so he had chosen his fate to be destroyed. Shortly after a large group of Liberty Capital vessels arrived at the gate. The Koeln was destroyed, and myself and the Bryn escaped without injuries. I left a cruise severely crippled. I am sure he had to be towed back to spacedock. We managed to escape back to Bering just before an Ion storm arrived. Unfortunately I didn't manage to get guncam footage of the battle.