Recently departed member here - I'll chip in a bit about why I left.
Basically, what you have going on here is frankly amazing, some of the most fun I've had in a gaming community. But that's only when it actually works like it's supposed to - running into the right people and having those memorable interactions. But when this place is at its best, man, it's awesome.
Sadly, I found that as my time here went on, those amazing moments became fewer and further between, while the average level of quality of people I was running into continued to degrade. It got to the point where most anyone who I ran into was either a broken-English class A moron who probably had never read the server rules, or a certain class of more intelligent but also more malicious juvenile who sought to bend those rules so that they could shoot whomever they wanted.
In short, the good encounters grew more and more seldom while the bad ones grew more frequent. Finally I got fed up with it and realized I could go to a number of other communities and at least have everyone around me speak fluent English and possess a base level of maturity and competence.
Anyways, I know Cannon, many of the admins, and some of my old RP friends are still here and still working hard to build this community - I commend you for that. I'm honestly not sure of anything reasonable I could suggest that might bring someone like me back to the server, but I hope this place stays around and is able to remain relevant moving forward. With the recent trend of quality people leaving, however, I'm beginning to think something big may have to change in order to reverse the course.