People are too obessed with "must win in rp" sh1t. If you want people to behave better then now, and under now I mean that exciting attempt by people to fack over another people while trying not to be facked over themselves style of RP everywhere, then you must stop to promote such behavior at the first place.
Some say that players must have impact on the story. Bul1sh1t. They must not have a single bit of that. Just go and play the damn game, nothing bad will happen if you'll die few times. There is a respawn button for purpose.
But instead players are given more and more reasons to be assho1es towards each others. First the impact on the story. But no one thinks what to do with the low to none populated factions like the Bundies or the Gaians or whatever else, who will push their story? No one. Then the bases. Now people are even more obsessed with mustwinning plague because of this. And not only this, bases are also ruins the gameplay an epic time while people don't understand how much harm they are doing to themselves by spamming those around to cockblock themselves from the other world. What is going on is simply tard however no one seems to care. So there we go.
And about the spread of people around - I have to agree. Even with 225 players on it's still not enough to populate all the systems. Now I can fly throgh half of sirius and meet no one at all. Or maybe 1-2 FL ided Firelfy with name such as star022 for example who silently pass here and there. Dublin fun was cool, however it was, once again, ruined by the players themselves. First they asked to remove the fun from their systems then they even built a base to screw away the last bits of those who'd be willing to come and play with them. And who should we blame here? I guess administration and dev teams are both got too soft to allow players to bend the gameplay around as they please mindlessly which don't fix nothing but makes more problems instead.
Any idea the community so gratefully spit out must be considered, however the impact of those is usually super bad, unintentionally. So before rushing to bend under the player whinage those ideas must be carefully brainstormed and tested for it's impact on gameplay and wealth of RP and balance. Why? Because this will never stop and there will never be enough of something for someone.