Reason its declining? Easy, less focus on RP more on shooting stuff.
Hessians who are barely hanging on resourse wise somehow get a full shipline, and one thats considered very good if not one of the best to boot. (nevermind the addition of "may treat as combat target" line, screwing over ships that already had no chance vs gunboats, now can be shot with even battleships)
Order get constrained to the crons with their big stuff but then get all their big stuff nerfed to oblivion so to be unusable for their role.
Zoner defence ships given even worse arcs. (nephelim has so big blindspots that you can park a battlecruiser in them and not be hit) (corvo only has 1 gun facing up) (osprey handles like a titan with low armor and complete crap weapon options)
indepenant pirates getting good deal (only a 10% nerf on any unlawful gunboat? house corps meanwhile, for a lawfully obtained one, get a much bigger nerf?!)
any ship can now fire on transports. Meanwhile transports are given no way of surviving anything a pirate can bring due to crap armament and armor, as well as COSTING way more than comparably sized military ships (which makes no sense either)
Honestly with most of the players getting screwed over unless they play a pirate or navy, its no wonder people leave. we come to an RP server to RP, not be forced into a role thats as common as leaves in spring.