Quote:People want to roleplay. this is a roleplay server.
PvP is role play. Also, the Navy is supposed to defend you. Why don't they? Alternately, why don't you use the money you trade up to make own indie cruisers/bs if you find them absolutely necessary and the player factions wont accommodate you?
The one problem about playing totally indie (no Navy/military ID) is that you can't use capital ships, so you are likely to get steamrolled in any sort of serious PvP engagement unless you have vast superiority in numbers. And that's hard to come by when everyone wants to fly 5kers and fancy capital ships. As usual, I will express my indie bias (of which I am quite cognizant) and say that freelancers and indies need more perks, but that might be tangential to this discussion.
I think a more apt point to make is that the overwhelming collective PvP power of military and unlawful factions precludes any sort of give and take in terms of roleplay between individuals and these factions. Simply put, these powerhouse organizations are not compelled at all to deal with, accommodate, or be kind to independent (usually newer) players. And then these players can't advocate for themselves on a message board which really should be tangential to the game itself, but somehow exceeds the actual game in importance. These are real problems.
Solution: Make the game more friendly for newbies and indies via FLHook.