(03-03-2013, 10:39 PM)LolRawr!? Wrote: I do believe an offer was made to reimburse you, so that you can reconstruct your Kishiro base in an allowed area..
our base is in 200% copper bottom fact RP, intentionly built near KISHIRO base, We have a strong RP behind us, im argueing for a lack of RP from THEIR SIDE.
And time can't be re-payed really, money was never the issue, you know that .
If u guys could move the base it will solve everything, but im guessing its to complex to handle this, anyway, i won't destroy the base cuz my ego prevents me from doing so, but if they choose to give us exempt the same way they did with itabachi after they went Hogosha, would be even better.
Seriously, im not 16 anymore, my time is precious, im sure you feel the same way, that's why im looking for a genunie solution