(03-03-2013, 10:47 PM)Tel-Aviv Wrote: Kodem kol ahi, tiraga.
I went on the project knownig fully that it is okay, if i was suspicious i would have asked again, it is due to his mistake that i've made a mistake, and im not flaming, im asking for a genuine solution, and if u wanna help, grab a transport,.
Hardly need to chill out. Been on a test period (that ended today wheeeee) and trying to help you to go on the right course of sorting it out. Going on ooRP thread instead of inRP one IS the wrong way.
If you would bother to try and RP it out, I am sure you would have found a solution by now - one that is acceptable on both sides. I have yet to see any such thread from you.
Test period? gl bro, about the solution, well ill need their page, but i doubt i have enough time, they probably gathering their lolcaps.
We (I am part of KNF, high ranked kinda) still think it should be dealt with inRP. If you wish to get a plea the prime minister role belongs to Gheis (thought you'd stay out of it did you now Gheis? HEHEHE) ooRPly, you go try and plea to him for help.
Gathering lolcaps is hardly a solution, unless there is nothing left to do. And you can simply use the communication channel you don't need the faction page.