I shall pop my head up here, just to simply remind those of what they have so easily forgotten, then mostly go back to the darkness I came forth from.
Kruger| used to be the official faction. I used to lead it and I still have a few Kruger| ships. But the faction was destroyed, by my determination to fight those who thought they could do what they wanted and those who's quest for power meant nothing and no one could stand in their way.
I would advice against flying the Kruger ID. Daumann is still alive and when it comes to mining in Rheinland you need to be in a group. Daumann generally have a little more support, more places to mine and more bases to escape to. Not to mention better reputation to transport their own ore.
But should you continue with the Kruger ID. I urge you not to trust the IMG|. I remember quiet clearly the days of flying to a field, saying hello to the IMG| miners, then suddenly they log out, and 3 minutes later the Hessians and [RF] came looking for blue messages. And now the Hessians have their advanced tech and battleships, your chances of survival are even lower.
Now of course Jack and anyone in the IMG| will deny this, and simply call me paranoid, butthurt and that all my sayings are a pathetic conspiracy.
If you're looking for credits, join the IMG|. They have the ships, players, fields, mining bonuses and reputation to do whatever the hell they want.
If you're looking for role play, you wont find it in Rheinland, in fact, you'll be lucky to find it anywhere on this server anymore.
And to those who remember me. Yes, I'm still here, yes I'm still watching and no, I have not forgotten.