Quote:However, the Nomads, no matter how much they may resemble natural lifeforms, are still biological machines designed and shaped by their creators, and they utilize that energy field the same as any other piece of Daam-K'Vosh machinery.
(Chriss Todd, DA)
from the original lore ...
nomads are machines - and while one might argue that humans are biological machines, too - the intention is that nomads themselves are much more limited in terms of evolution and change. ( edit: although thats debatable. - usually humans are meant to be weak in terms of physical and mental capacity - but strong in terms of adaptive capability. - the nomads are meant to be physically weak and also weak in military tech - but strong in adaptive capability - so maybe the roles are indeed totally reversed for a change )
also they do not tap into ANY energy - but only into specific Daam-K'Vosh sources - so called : harnessed minute fluctuations in the quantum fabric of space. - the things that power the hypergates ( which was shut down by trent incidently )
again - an explanation about the powersource of nomads:
Quote:"While humanity may lack a full understanding of the history behind the Nomads and the Daam-K'Vosh, a few daring researchers have begun to piece together the relationship between the hypergates, the energy field, and the Nomads, and have suggested a daring but risky plan: open the hypergates. If the hypergates are opened before the Nomads can wean themselves from the Daam-K'Vosh energy field, the subsequent energy drain would drastically weaken the Nomads -- individual Nomads would no longer have the strength to control human beings, and most Nomads would be forced to go back into stasis for lack of energy. The Nomads realize this and have used their considerable influence to make acquiring the necessary artifacts as difficult as possible by declaring them contraband and placing all the ones they can find under direct Nomad control."
(Chriss Todd, DA)[/quote]
another document states that nomads are channeling this source into simple bursts. - so the nomad weapons are really just plain energy bursts. - probably based on simply electro shock and heat through energy.
with that in mind - the nomad ships are also "just" channelling this energy into a weaponized form. in terms of technique - one might think of a huge wireless network with the hypergate being the hub and the ships being a conductor and an energy focus.
how the wild weapons are supposed to work is anyones guess.
originally - nomad ships are biological machines, too - which allow the worms to enter and exit fairly easily without leaving any damage. - they are not much different from human ships - since we can assume that computer and AI technology has advanced enough to consider most human ships "smart", too - just not intelligent. human ships also have a source and channel its energy into a weaponized form.