(03-09-2013, 04:49 PM)Savi Wrote: P.S to JayDee: flying a char with faction respective guns and ship isn't much about RP but about the dedication and passion you share for the respective faction. Hell, why would I fly a flashpoint corsair eagle? The only thing that difference me from the other is the tiny paper that tells the traders iRpirat
no, when it comes to Corsairs. Those guys are most nation based people you can ever see around Sirius. You cant be Corsair if you dont have Corsair parents. also you cant have wife/husband or just kids from someone from out of Sair blood lines. that is against Corsair rules.
ofc there is no where said that you cant fly Corsair IDed Eagle, but this is definitly more to Lore and RP to fly true Corsair ship with Corsair guns. maybe its just my wiev on Corsair RP...