I was on a routine patrol today in MU, alone, seeing as apparently #5 came down with something after his "meeting"
with McNab(!?) and that crazy CENSORED #9 is nowhere to be seen since her little adventure with #5 in Alpha...maybe
we did get a new toaster after all...that would be great...
Anyway! Back to my report then, so there I was in MU, pretty bored, when I suddenly pick up a contact on my scanner.
A few seconds later I had caught up to said contact and wouldn't you know... a "Mastodon" class transport sporting
IMG papers.
Now under normal circumstances I would just take this as a lost or perhaps not so "lost" Captain that would find
himself escorted to the nearest exit and "asked" to leave but, the ship's name was familiar to me due to a very recent meeting and considering said meeting, I thought it wise to report this incident.