Rorry, formerly known to Rheinland as "King Rorry", has returned in the semi-organic vessel he now somehow calls his own. In a way, his appearance saved my life. Two primary fleet Rheinswehr piloten had accosted me and were about to carry out their preferred method of arrest, before he arrived on the scene some fifteen klicks from Neu Berlin in the Harzfeld.
I sensed an opportunity of sorts as Rorry dove in to attack the Rheinswehr pilots, who were considerably more cautious of the semi-organic ship and, as I was quick to point out, offered him more "chances" to explain himself than I was given as a fellow Rheinlander. Hypocrites. I questioned whether I was doing the right thing as I came to their aid against that monster of a man.
My gamble paid off. Though Rorry managed to rather easily down one of the Military piloten, he did not seem to be in the mood for an extended battle against the more veteran two who remained. The remaining Feldwebel and I then had an extended conversation more on my own terms; the very fact that I had been rightly willing to save their lives as opposed to merely fleeing at Rorry's arrival thankfully defused his "execute orders, interpret conscience later" modus operandi.
Fortunately I was able to leave the Harzfeld without needing to fight anyone who truly didn't deserve a fight.
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