From:Astur Johnson To:Border World Exports recruitment channel Location: Planet New London
Channel open....
What is your full name?: Astur Cayden Johnson.
Where was your last place of employment? What experience do you have?: I used to be an independent trader, flying a Series DL BWT doing trade runs from Liberty to Rheinland to Kusari and Bretonia space, right now I work as an independent contractor for Bowex flying a Shetland-cass train, the "Colossus".
To what division are you applying? Shipping Combine.
Why are you interested in working for Border World Exports? Working alone is a dangerous practice, and I've always wanted to become a full-time employee of Bowex and enjoy my time in my home, space.
You happen across a Gateway convoy that is under attack by Red Hessians. What do you do and why?: If I'm not hauling any cargo or I have an escort, try to help if i can. Cargo is always the first thing in my list.
You encounter a corporate trader of Gallic origin. It croaks mockingly at you. What do you do and why?: Ignore him/her, and move on. I do not need unnecessary conflict.
How do you feel about Glaswegian badgers? I'm sorry, i've never heard of them.