(04-29-2013, 08:01 AM)AeternusDoleo Wrote: It might help to check out your FLHook logfiles, see if there's anything relating to the base.dll plugin. If that one fails or isn't loaded, the player bases will not appear.
Thanks for the reply, but the base file is loading fine. Plus, as stated before, some player bases load while others do not. We just purchased a new VPS and will be moving again soon, I'm sure Starworlds himself will be contacting Cannon soon to switch our IP. Hopefully with a "Genuine" windows, things will work out.
Also, saw you're a part of the dev team, any possibilities for an equipment modifying FLHook plugin?
Plus I did have another question about shiparchs; We offer the Venator and Battlestar on our server through server donations, Our players donate $60 to get one, but they don't have hardpoints for the jumpdrives, Hyperscanners, Cloaks and docking modules. Could you help us with that? I realize these are not the easiest things to do, but I will pay the dev team/make a donation to the GC server just to get these potential plugins.